Podcast Episode: “A Well-Fed Body is a Resilient Body”

In 2022, I quit teaching for a very popular weight loss program (and they HATE IT when I talk about why I left ), and I decided to become a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor when I finally read Intuitive Eating that fall.

The framework is exactly what helped me heal my relationship with food and my body after destroying it as a college athlete. If I was to tell you the truth about what has actually helped me recover from a severe ED, heal my bones after being diagnosed with osteopenia at age 22, and regulate my menstrual cycle after not having a period from age 19-22... It wasn't weight loss or any ridiculous diet program that's masquerading as a sustainable "lifestyle."

Now, as a 34-year old mountain athlete, Registered Dietitian, & Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, I recognize 2 pivotal shifts in my life that led me to where I am today, and I have zero regrets. Everything I went through to get to where I am now happened FOR me so I can show you there's a different way to be healthy.

Take a listen to this episode to learn more about me and my journey to become a badass in the mountains ⬇️

Episode description:

“Meet our badass sports dietitian, @gardenofeden_rd

Eden’s story is a special one and it’s so powerful to see another dietitian who wasn’t afraid to walk away from teaching intentional weight loss to now sharing and promoting a life with food freedom.

During this episode you’ll get to learn about her path to becoming an RD, her personal relationship with food and how it’s changed over the years, what she loves most about supporting clients 1:1, and so much more.

A few fun facts about her:

✍🏼 Eden is ambidextrous! She writes left-handed but plays most sports right-handed

🎶 She loves to sing (any fellow altos out there?!)

🏔 Eden grew up playing traditional sports but is now all about mountain sports - specifically skiing and mountain biking!

To learn more about Eden & listen to her full pod interview, head over to Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere you stream your podcasts to tune in - and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review the Find Food Freedom® Podcast”


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